Monday 21 September 2015

The benefits of effective listening

Everyone has so much to say. We miss out on so many little details because we are busy in speaking and we barely listen. Listening is an art and there are certain benefits that listening provides you with. It is difficult to be patient and listen to what the other person says, but it has its own set of benefits. I went to one of the reputed residential schools in India as a child and I remember having special meditation classes wherein we were taught the art of effective listening. Also, we were told about the benefits that one gains from it. Here are some of them, which I have experienced in my own life:

boarding schools in India

Pleasing personality
Everyone likes a person who listens! Yes, it is true. If you are always eager to talk, lesser people show interest in you. Listen to people as it makes you a person you everybody wants to talk to! Not only people trust you more, they find a friend in you. I have been complimented many a times by the closest of my friends that I listen to them with full intent.

Observation skills
If you listen to someone with concentration, you get to observe that person closely. The more you observe you get to know that person better. This helps you in getting an idea as to who is how if you are in a new environment and behave accordingly with people. This is a big benefit and once you are in the corporate world, you will make use of it!

Better memory & understanding
You would not forget the little details that someone talks about. You have vivid memory and better understanding. This is extremely useful for students. If they listen to the lessons in class, half of their work is done! The more closely you listen, the better you understand and remember! My school, one of the best boarding schools in India has inculcated in me the art of being a good listener, and I am reaping the benefits till date!

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