Monday 16 June 2014

Human Values are the missing link in today's schools

No matter where you stand on the basis of your educational qualification, we cannot deny with the fact that our world, especially the youth is missing the link of Human and Social values. Today's youth is more of experiencing the epidemic of human violence whether it be due to failure, depression, stress of being bullied or other troubles, it all turns out in the way of different kinds of violence. So, what is that thing or value are they not getting that is meant to be given to them?

Today, even if we walk into any reputed Schools in Noida or somewhere else, we can have best of teaching methods and staff totally dedicated towards the education of their students but the human and social values are nowhere taught even in these reputed schools. So, who is responsible for this impatient youth? Well, we cannot hide the fact that both the school staff and the parents are responsible. Earlier, schools had strict rules, breaking of what resulted in strict punishment but parents raised the voice against the school premises when they punished their children. Well, the punishment was somewhere justified to an extent but the parents' voice even gave a chance again to the children to break those rules once again.

Schools in Noida

It was tolerable when children broke small rules that did not affect the overall personality of the child. But now, this has become a huge problem because the children and youth has forgotten the basic rules and values of humankind. Apart from what school teaches us to build our career, it should also teach its students the behavior they should adopt towards other people. Even many best boarding school make their children a disciplined human being that makes him a good personality but teaching human and social values are still lacking.

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