Friday, 19 December 2014

Choosing a play school for your kid

Finding a play school for your child may not be that easy as it might appear to be. Once you decide that your child is all set to go to a pre-school, it is the time to find a good school for him. While some parents consider it a relaxed affair, something which doesn’t call for an early start, but the thing is that it pays to start your search early.

To find the best program for your child, you can begin with the following steps.

-Identify your priorities
Decide what you want for child in the first place. Should the playschool be in vicinity of your home? Should it focus more on extra-curricular? Are you looking for a specific approach to learning?
There are many child day schools Noida that cater to the specific requests of children. So you can have plenty of options to choose from.

Noida international school

-Research well
Do your bit by asking around or looking out for reputable schools. Ask some experts, if possible. Ask for accredited schools. While accreditation might not be the only criteria and might or might not guarantee that the school will be good for your kid, it sure is one of the factors to guarantee its credibility. You can easily go with some Top Noida International School.

-Visit and interview
You won’t get a preliminary sense of the kind of school that it is unless you visit it and meet the staff. Meet and have a word with the director. Ask him about the fees, the curriculum and the vacation schedules. Notice how the director or the staff handles your questions and trust your gut feeling with how you feel about the school.

Also visit the classrooms and observe how students are taught in the school and how teachers interact with the kids. Make sure that the teachers are encouraging and friendly.

Monday, 15 December 2014

What if the child mugs up only the academic books?

The freewheeling, stress-free life comes to an end when a child turns 3, might sound amazing to many of you, but yes, this is the bitter truth of life that each one of has been through and eventually passing it down to our coming generation as well.

public schools in noida

The day child gets to supposedly ‘speak’ in his stammered tone, majority of the parents begin tutoring children at home, they begin expecting the child to be thorough with alphabets and numbers so that the teensy weensy could crack the interview while enrolling him to a school. Being a guardian, I won’t blame them and certainly not against those parents who happen to entertain such thinking. The only thing that I would urge all parents to think is when you tutor your child and make him believe there’s no world beyond studies, you are actually prepping up the child to make it to counter the complexities of the world, which otherwise would make him succumb to the unnecessary woes. Being a guardian, you enroll your child to top public schools in Noida, pamper him/her in whichever way you could. Amid all these things, make sure that the child do not become introvert or feel hesitated in sharing his views or opinions. This is because this might not make you feel unusual for now, but with passage of time, this surely would eventually become the biggest weakness of the child, says best noida international school professionals. So instead of making the child mug up books and academic syllabus, walk hand in hand with your child, spend time with him and you are likely to strengthen your relation with him and also this gesture would help the child in overall development.  

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Reasons Why You Need to Send Your Kid to a Boarding School Now

There are far too many reasons to convince you why you must preferably send your kids to one of the residential schools in India rather than letting them off to a regular institution in the vicinity of your home such as an ordinary best day boarding school in NCR. While interdisciplinary academics, sports facility and extracurricular activities may be the most striking factors to take into consideration,  there are other reasons that will not only urge you to go for it, but will inspire you to see through it with a clear vision for your child.

Here are the top reasons to get your child admitted to one of the residential schools in India:

1.Children passing out of a boarding school are way smarter and social.
It isn’t just a myth that boarders turn out to be more outspoken and progressive in their thinking as they are really smart as compared to most people who go to a regular school. Indulging in all-study to get smart can lead a regular school-goer to grow up into a social outcast.
Students in a residential school however have to deal with a lot of peer pressure to get smart as smartness is a faculty that’s highly revered among boarders. Being smart has been the eternal cool code for them since antiquity.

residential schools in India

2.Children learn to take responsibility for their actions.
The first step towards maturity is to learn to hold yourself responsible for your actions. Top residential schools in India and worldwide generally have a discipline or an honour code that has to be respected and upheld by all the students. The lessons learnt from committing endless mistakes in school would teach the children to foresee the consequences of their actions before committing them. It helps build a concrete foundation for the children’s future years.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Revamping the Education System

One of the most unsettling things about Indian education is that it hasn’t changed a tad bit since decades. The age-old norms of board and duster teaching, and encouraging students to drown in the frivolous practises like cramming have wiped out the very sacrosanct idea of education from the society, in principle, at least.

Teachers still stand in front of the pupils and read out from their lecture plans. The students still sit at the back, and jot take notes passively. Exams are predominantly theoretical, and practicality has ducked into the dark and dingy corners of one’s mental framework. There is no systematic use of internet, or technology to aid learning. There is no real progress, in a nutshell.

boarding schools in noida

The scenario is pretty common to all educational institutes. While many Top residential schools in India and boarding schools in Noida are trying to improve upon the situation, the results have not been encouraging.

The dismal education system is holding back students, teachers, and the nation in entirety. With such a stall, the education sector is as good as left in a lurch. There is a spurt of teachers, but quality teachers are hard to find. Students are taking up serious subjects, but are not as serious about them.
Complacency is the major roadblock. While churning out a newer roadmap in education is on the cards, little has been done to support the same. Residential schools in India have been at the forefront of bringing about a change- only for the greater good. Incorporating e-learning, prompting students to learn and follow, than cram and recite –should hit the priority list.

 It’s time that the clarion call is heeded, and practical, dynamic changes- changes that talk to the deeper progress of the students and teachers alike, be incorporated into the otherwise stagnant education system. 

Friday, 21 November 2014

Tips to begin your first day in hostel

Bags are packed, teddy bears tucked in and you are all set to start your new life at a boarding. Nervous, scared and finicky as you are, it is indeed going to be one of the best experiences of your life. Staying away from mom and dad can be tough at an age so young, but you will thank them later for when you’ll discover what lies ahead.

However, making sense out of all this optimism, which mum and dad have already been literally feeding you for dinner, is difficult I know. So let’s not even get started with that ‘It’s gonna be ok ramble’. But how about bracing you up with some tips that will not make you stand out or socially awkward and help you make good friends you would love as much as your family. Sounds better isn’t it?

Morning blues anyone?

school in noida

You have been used to mom waking you up gently and coaxing you into the bathroom. But now it will be a different world which starts with making you more self-dependent, says a third year boarder at a school in Noida. So makeup your mind and keep a tough resolve to wake-up at the first bell. It can be disconcerting at the beginning but think of all the new friends and things you will encounter in the day ahead. Cheer yourself up.

Eat well

Your first hostel breakfast isn’t the most appetizing thing in the world but you must eat. An empty stomach will keep your energy low and you will end up being all the more finicky and depressed. So go ahead, make friends with it and eat something. You will find out canteens at best residential schools in India are so different from your horrid imagination.


Smile, it takes you a long way with strangers. Plus it also gives you hope and optimism. So the next time you see a face as lost and gloomy as yours, remember how you felt and smile at them. It may lightup their day and who knows you might have met a new friend.

Warm-up activities

Participate in all the warm-up and introductory activities. They will help you make friends and keep you occupied.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Boarding Schools for child’s betterment

The fact that a child needs an international curriculum for his overall growth and development is getting the desire recognition. An international curriculum strives to prepare the child for global challenges while making them acquainted with their own skills and areas of improvement. While a primary institute doesn’t draw much of attention, institutions for higher education get away with all the admiration and importance.

And that’s the problem with education system that functions along these lines. Primary, school level education forms the premise of a student’s academic life. Primary schools or boarding schools- both play a cardinal role in pushing a student’s life in the right direction. Enter best residential schools in India, and the way is set.

The basic goal of residential schools in Noida, or any region for that matter is that they don’t limit the child’s development to just studies but function on the overall development. From academics to extra-curricular activities, everything is concentrated upon to ensure an all-rounder development of the child.

Here are a few advantages set aside by boarding schools for their students:

-Better Stoked Libraries

Boarding schools are rather popular for their well established and traditional libraries. A residential school always harbors a giant library exposes the student to even a bigger world of knowledge. From novels to magazines a student can lay his hands upon anything, and everything of his interest.

-Trained to get responsible

What happens when a child realizes that he has to do his own laundary and bed with no mom or dad backing his activities? No, the child doesn’t run away. He just learns to shoulder responsibilities. Responsibilities encourage a sense of self-esteem and therefore, optimism, too.

A boarding school is not a brutal school. Popular perception has made it so. But what is popular is not always right, is it? 

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Types Of International Schools

With a variety of international schools across the globe there follows a dynamic curriculum in each of these designed to service the various expatriate constituencies. International schools are schools which educate the children between the ages of 2 to 18 which operate out of but with the consent of the state school system in a foreign country. The Noida International School amongst others uses the curriculum and the language of instruction which is different from that of the host country.
International schools are broadly divided into three categories which include:

-Original Expatriate
-Broadly International
-Local International and Bilingual
Original Expatriate International Schools

noida international school

This is one of the most common types of International schools which a majority of people envision. It is a school with Canadian curriculum and Canadian teachers. These schools unlike institutes like day care school in Noida are mono-nationalistic in nature and so the staff, school and curriculum all represent a single country, irrespective of its location. In the past when not many institutes would set up an educational program, this was the only known type of the international school. However with globalisation these are the smallest proportion of international schools which are available.

Being first in the origin these schools are often well-established and popular, thus pointing to the fact that these are generally hard on the pockets which in turn offer great employment packages to teachers that are in upper quartile.

Broadly International Schools

Primarily these exists in areas where resides a wide range of expatriates. Schools like Noida International School around which lives a mix of thousands of expats from around the globe offer the perfect ground for Broadly International Schools.

These schools cater to the needs of several parents and children from multiple nationalities and to assist further these schools make available the teachers with a multi-cultural background. Although following a standardized curriculum, they have room for modifications to accommodate the multi-ethnic requirements. 

Friday, 10 October 2014

Adding in pinch of creativity to the classroom-part (2)

Here’s a low down of different things that can be done to maintain lively essence in the class. At times, simple things are likely to endow magical results.

Pre-school: well, if you teach nursery or prep standard, alas! You won’t really get much help from students and will have to manage the most of things on your own. But the good part is that at the end of the day, being nursery or prep standard teacher, you will end up utilizing best of colours. In nursery and prep sections, there are countless topics to choose from varying from landscapes to animal portraits and sky to birds anything and everything can be sketched out on chart papers. Apart from this, alphabets from ‘A to Z’ and number names from 1 to 50 can be written, it’s going to encourage students and will be educative a well. Even if you are in best boarding schools in noida, things are more or less this only.

schools in noida

Middle school: middle school covers children from 10 to 14years. At this particular age, students take in keen interest in subjects like history, literature, maths, depending on individual’s preference. So posters, charts and models can be put up and the good part is that you can ask your students to lend a helping hand, be it in boarding school or a regular one.

High school: well, by this time, you won’t really have to think much and the most of the work can be handled by students. Of course, there’s no need to play much with colours, even if simple stuff is exhibited, it would be good to go with. At the end of the day, it makes more sense to have informative stuff rather for the high school students rather than restricting to decoration part only. 

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Adding in pinch of creativity to the classroom-part (1)

It's fun to have a well decorated classroom, regardless of the fact that you are teaching primary or senior sections. After all, every student loves attending class, wherein they feel motivated. In every international school in noida, it is encouraged to have classroom with lots of chart papers, colours, quotes, sayings and many other things that would motivate students. This way on one hand the class will look beautiful, whereas on the other hand, will be informative as well. After all, who will not get bored of sitting in a lifeless room? To my understanding, a class is not about only about beams and walls, indeed it’s about infusing life to bricks and walls in such a way that it looks as if the whole room has a glimpse of perfection to it. So instead of thinking much, try to utilize your creative skills and make your class look ‘perfect’. Here’s a low down of what all interesting things can be done in the class to make it look appealing and influencing for students in different classes.

international school in noida

Every standard has their pre-allotted syllabus, which familiarize students about the course and pattern for that specific year. So here comes the biggest hint, there’s a flooded range of projects, charts and quotes which can be exhibited in the classroom, says international schools in India. This would surely be a great way of exhibiting students’ creativity in the classroom. Along with this, there are several other things that can be implemented in the class, so what you need to do is Along with these ideas, you can implement many other innovative things all by yourself. If in any case, you feel that you would need help, no worries, there are countless innovative ways to choose from. Though there’s a lot to say, have saved it for the next post, but till then stay tuned! 

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Residential Schools and Related Benefits

The history of residential schools in India dates back to centuries earlier. These were called Gurukuls then and in no way were identical to the boarding schools we have today. Reserved and limited in nature Gurukuls were open to royalties and Brahmins and did not admit the other marginalized sections of the societies and women resulting in a clear case of disparity and prejudices. Until up till the last century the marginalized has no access to the educational institutes but thanks to the various educational reforms education is now a mandatory law all over the country. Having succeeded in making education an all-inclusive phenomenon, the second target and challenge was to make best boarding school in India an acceptable organization. Having achieved it many scholars point out that the road towards this has not been easy.

best boarding school

The appearance of international schools in India which majorly are residential in nature has also made easy the path of their acceptability in the country. Since residential schools have gained popularity over a period of a decade, the decision and emotions connected to this schooling choice as made by the parents is certainly not easy. However owe it to the advantages of schooling in these that have eased out this choice made by the parents and at times the students themselves:

-The residential schools in India generally have well qualified and well-versed teachers imperative for the growth of the students. Since these schools are residential in nature the teachers are approachable 24*7 in case they encounter a query or a lack of understanding in a particular concept and because the class size is kept small every student gets their due attention.

-The environment of these schools is merged into educational world where learning is a priority and is deliberately kept central to all the activities which happen in and around the campus. This unique setting also helps in developing and sharing true feeling of friendship and companionship.

-You learn to be responsible. True that living without the family is not easy but is fun if you consider your share of experiences and knowledge gained. It is a significant facet of a boarding school to be responsible and take accountability for your actions.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Being strict with a child…will it help?

Many parents entertain the mindset that being strict with child is the only way to keep him on the ‘right’ track. Well, if being strict to a child is the only parameter to make the child let go on the ‘so-called’ ideal track, things would have been different. But it’s not so, many things have to be taken into account in order to make a child move the way you as a parent would prefer your child to do.

residential schools in india

Scaring, threatening or making a child feel anxious in any way would lead to nothing much, but the child would become introvert and this is something that would be hindering for a child in the long term prospect, concedes teachers of international schools in Noida. Afterall, you won’t be there with him in every walk of life. May be things are working now, but there surely be a certain point of time when things will become excessively difficult for him to manage and regretting for you as to making him behave in this way. Remember you as a guardian should assure to have friendly relationship with the child, wherein you keep a check over his/her actions, varying from school to tuition timings and play time to sleeping schedule, believes residential schools in india.

According to professionals, do not interfere much in a child’s life. Grant him liberty to feel free, have transparency in the relationship so that things do not worsen unnecessarily. Amid everything ought not let thing so damn loose that he forgets what to be done and what should be avoided. It’s your responsibility to make him feel socially responsible and a good human being as a whole, which surely won’t be possible be either being too strict or too lenient with the child. There has to be equilibrium between ensuring a child’s happiness and making him a disciplinarian.  

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Learning Foreign Language- an essential experience

The onset of globalization in 1990s saw the world shrinking. The idea of globalization being associated with world coalescing might be rather contradictory and ironical, but the fact that globalization has made the world a smaller place to be in is undeniable. A small place makes it almost a necessity to pick on the things that are essential to survival and growth; learning new skills to make oneself unparalleled in any field is step one towards adaptation.

schools in noida

Considering the need to indulge children in foreign language courses many schools in Noida and nearby areas are making a foreign language, French and German most dominantly, as a part of their curriculum. Learning an additional language not only helps students develop a strong, diverse base in the industry but also helps one to understand and appreciate the culture and lifestyle of people of that specific country.

Learning a foreign language has many other added advantages too. Foreign languages help one prepare better for international examinations like TOEFL, JLPT, DELE etc. One can also work in an embassy as a translator or an interpreter. There are a horde of other career opportunities as well, like getting hired as a faculty in an international school. Noida International School is one of the few international schools which are celebrated for its outstanding faculty and services.

A person who is even remotely acquainted with the basics of a foreign language can start a lucrative business of home coaching. The cost per hour of a foreign language teacher is pretty respectable, too.
If statistics and studies are anything to go by, there is a remarkable increase in the cognitive development of a child who is enrolled in a foreign language program. These students portray a greater skill set and a flair for divergent thinking and creativity, too.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

An Unusual Summer Vacation Part-1

Today the chirrup did not wait for the last bell to ring. Unlike other days, when the disciplined silence ruled till the second hour of the noon, corridors were ringing with joyous laughter and chirping. Today was nice and vibrant since the beginning. 

The beginning of the summer vacations marked this palpable difference. The otherwise well-ordered students would walk out in single files, standing in the order of their heights. Trudging towards the boarding school India, they were so aligned that you would wonder if it was an arranged swarm of bees. And yet, the entire charade was unsupervised and as easy going as it could be. You wouldn’t notice a single child go off track. 
But today was different!

boarding school india

At the Noida International School, the afternoon that marked the beginning of the summer vacation was the only occasion when you would find chaos in the school playground. And it was happily accepted. Children running astray waving goodbye, vowing on their friendships and hugging their mates make the scene a hubbub of activity. Soon, the huge iron gates would creak open and kids would run to the open arms of their waiting parents. 
But amid this clamour, Partho lacks the zeal of his mates. He is in no hurry to rush forward. He doesn’t make any attempt to get into the race till the door while everyone is waiting with baited breath for it to open. Neither is he willing to participate in any conversation, for he knows, he will have no summer vacation this year. 

To be continued!... 

Thursday, 14 August 2014

The Initial Awkwardness

With privatization of Educational system promoting quality learning, the education sector is surely on a roll. With an upward surge in the economy inviting larger investment in the sector, the number of educational institutes in the country has shot up.

Moreover, immunity to recession to a certain extent, always makes education an investor’s game. Having said so, and understanding the economic value and prospect of the sector the top schools in India are going global. Sieved through decades of cultural resistance, Co- Education is the product of one of these global practices.

public schools in Noida

  Since I studied in an all- girls school in one of the public schools in Noida , my experience with encountering the “other sex” mostly springs from sharing the same workplace. The initial awkwardness and self- restraint soon transformed into some really healthy personal and professional relationships. It was late but I understood the world is definitely not obsessed with two sexes in a constant combat, but there certainly are some better and critical issues to deal with. I believe it is for this very reason that the top schools in India encourage and stand tall for co- education. Now that I laugh off my past apprehensions, I have learnt my lesson.

I remember having pushed my parents to admit me to a co-ed , since most of the renowned public schools in Noida were a part of the newly dawned on Co-educational system, their only response bordered on to some hypothetical discomfort which will come my way. Conditioned to years of prejudices  and judgements , there is a long way to go for this harmless system to be taken well. Needless to say there are limits to every societal make-up and institution but limits metamorphosizing into prior reservations are a dead end to our unrealized potentials.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Don’t appear this year- part (2)

I was the tiny-miny mice of our group, i was lucky enough to be registered in her good books. She made me the English monitor and i was chiefly responsible for collecting assignment notebooks and projects. I had no choice, but to maintain my assignment notebooks, which none of them would ever make an attempt. Mayank-my best friend out of the eight was though good with his communication skills, would never make an attempt to maintain his CW and HW copies, which unfortunately i had to do. He couldn’t escape speaking in English, we were in one of the best public schools. Be it boarding schools in india or co-education school, communicating in English is a must. At times, would do his homework or classwork, but yes, there were a few days, when i couldn’t make it. On the inspection day, he was caught by Mrs. Goswami and forget the bashing, I could literally recall her exact words that she said to Mayank, Mark my words boy, don’t appear this year, you won’t pass. You should be sent to residential schools in India to learn the basic etiquettes of life and so as your curriculum. 

boarding schools in India

 And she openly said, i will score A1 followed by him with D2,3 whatsoever. Her words hit him rightly. He did not made any gestures, but kept quiet for a while, which came to us as a shock. The boy who would always pop in here and there was suddenly very quiet. But finally he made it. He proved her wrong. Though he kept pretending as if he is not affected with her words in any way, but he was studying. Finally in boards, i scored 78 and here he is with ‘79’ man. That was the day when i could actually relate to how does it feel your friend fails, but how bad it feels if your best friend score more than you, no matter even if it’s just 1 more mark. Shuks! Shuks! Shuks! All i could say was Okay! I gave you a chance to be happy… but till the day when we meet, he taunts me saying loser…aah! It’s a pain to hear, but we all laugh it aloud…that’s life

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Don’t appear this year- part (1)

School life is synonymous to fun, frolic, joy and enjoyment for everyone-isn’t it? For majority it is and for us it fortunately was. Now that I am done with graduation and doing a job, which keeps me hooked. If I will ever get a chance to fulfil my one wish, trust me…I would prefer going jumping back and relive my school life.  We had a group of nine and we were the most notorious gang in our class. No matter what, we would find our own ways and means to pass a snuff smile and teachers would always find their ways to purloin our smileys in PTM’s, but who cares? We would get back to our track, soon after weekends were over.  

schools in India

Usually, everyone await weekends to enjoy, but we were a bit different, we would hate weekends. We were not allowed to step out and were made to study all day long, a big thanks to Mrs. Asha Goswami, who would taunt us saying…ask your parents not to pay this month’s fee. After all, their hard earned money is going down the drain.  But luckily, we were not those who not study or do not score well, but yes, none of us could pretend sitting silently in the class. She is one of those teachers of schools in India especially in public schools in Noida and Delhi who can make students cry with her sarcasm, but simultaneously make students excel in the long run. To put it frankly, we were not extraordinary, but we were not fools as well. Each one of us knew how much efforts our parents are putting in and have enrolled in NGFS, one of the highly rated schools in India. 

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Rooting out Rote learning from the Education System!

How does it feel to be one of those students who constantly bears the brunt of abysmally poor quality of education- education that glorifies rote learning when in all its might, it should promote root learning? Definitely not good, yeah? 
public schools in noida

Schools in India- public, private or boarding, have swords of fangled and shoddy education dangling over their heads. You would often come across several schools in the posh locations of Delhi-like the public schools in Noida or Gurgaon that would brag about their impeccable educational facilities. No matter how brilliant a school is in terms of its infrastructure or faculty, unless the deeply entrenched mediocre education system is pulled out of shambles of mediocrity, no best boarding school or public school in India can do much good to the youth. 

The most glaring aspect of the Indian education system is that it accentuates the students’ power to memorize rather than concentrating on the power to comprehend. The basics are often shoved off at the back bench and what prevails is the term called ‘cramming’. Intelligence is ruthlessly associated with gaining top marks in schools and colleges; whether the student understands the roots of the concepts, well the very thought is chucked away in a bin. 

Boarding or residential schools in India are garnering laurels for promoting practical education-the one that focuses on the very crux of concepts. Students in boarding schools are often taught to deal with real life situations – inside, as well as outside the classrooms. Yet, a great schooling system in India remains a shard in the oblivion. 

A lot needs to be done to uproot Indian education from the threatening shackles of rote learning. The entire curriculum needs to be analyzed, re-analyzed and re-structured to form a coherent and a more endearing system of learning. One that would rather test students on their I-Q levels, than on M( Memorizing)-Q levels.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Encourage hobbies, even the unusual ones!

With changing times the sternness in academic structures has mellowed down. The contemporary schools promote holistic growth rather than theoretical knowledge. Even parents understand the importance of excelling in multiple fields than just scoring good grades. This has encouraged learning and growth of multiple aspects of students’ personality.

However, even as the sentiment is shifting, children are still restricted with a closed box of options. Think ahead of studies and all you would come up with is sports or music and dance at the most. However, residential schools in India know better than this and promote unrestrained learning at their campuses. Few unconventional subjects like fine arts, sculpting, photograph, etc. are now introduced at some selective institutes.
boarding school India

However, the parents are still sceptical when it comes to encouraging unconventional hobbies. A child showing innate interest in art will be appreciated only till the time he keeps it as a hobby. As it begins to supersede other activities, the hobby becomes a hindrance. But the experts at a boarding school India disagree. Most experts in the education sector are of the view that diverse hobbies are a sign that your child has received good education, as an open mind and exposure is necessary for them to appreciate unusual skills. 

Choose a residential schools in India that gives that to your child instead of bookish knowledge which is available from other resources as well. If you are sending your child away from home, his stay at the school should be worth that sacrifice. Academic knowledge that can be obtained at an average day school as well is not a good enough reason for this. Let him explore the world with exposure to international subjects and art forms. 

Encourage him to enrol in various extracurricular activities and participate in them to the fullest. If he shows even slightest interest in something creative and constructive, appreciate him to pursue it further as it will broaden his horizons and improve his personality.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

The Best School quandary: Points to look

There is always a stereotype hinged to the best school being, well, actually the best in every aspect. There are certain pre-decided parameters that make up for that best school tag. Well, Schools in India are a big, big problem. I can say this because I, myself, have spent almost an eternity in a school that had the most-prestigious school label plastered to it, but ask me, it was rather a foolish tag. 

Most people, rather parents find themselves in deep pit while figuring out the right place to furnish and polish their kids’ skills. And all the schools proudly as well as ignorantly claim to be the Best school in India. Well, there is so more to it than just a label. Shoot a look at the following points:

The Brand Name: So there are schools that bask in the glory of the ‘renowned’ schools. But not everything lives up to its brand name. Not all DPS’ are brilliant, and finding out the right branch amongst the pile of various branches gets tricky. Trust the oldest one in the progeny; the newer ones are likely to be dominated by the Gen Y, and the older ones by sheer originality and excellence. 

Study the Students: Public schools in Noida a quick assessment of the faculty is surely one of the most major things on the to-do list. But, no finer glimpse can be provided by the students who have already reaped the benefits of its reign. Talk to the students and observe them-their social and academic aspects of their behavior. No better mirror exists than a student of the school itself!

Scrutinize the infrastructure: Okay, by infrastructure, I don’t necessarily mean the tall, bulky building with beautiful tiles and stuff. Scrutinize the interior. The washrooms, the sports room, the ground- everything. It might take a long time, and can end up being a frustrating affair. But trust me, it would reflect the actual stature of the school- whether it truly stands true to its best school image or not!

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

School Days- The Best Days of Our Lives

It’s a common, universal saying that school days are the best days of one’s life. And personally I couldn’t agree more. There is absolutely no denying that the school days are possibly the most carefree and hassle free days. You can be as worried as about your work (if there is any!) as you can worry about the color of your hair. You know that you have your parents at the pedestal, day and night to take care of your tiniest of worries.
best boarding school

Schools in India, or anywhere in the universe for that matter, are largely characterized with making a lot of friends, along with managing truckloads of subjects and assignments. Playing and frolicking with friends, blurting out things without having to worry about the consequences or repercussions, and being thoroughly and invariably genuine about every single thing without the other person making a scandal out of it, well, this all that weaves school life in a fabric of enchanting beauty.

Every other person proudly boasts their own school as the best boarding school. But I wonder if there is anything as best school that makes school life possibly the best in everything. Regardless of the school you belong to, there is always an undeniable and irrevocable respect that you will always have for it. The best school tag is as good as garbage when it comes to looking at the school life in a broader narrative.

Ruminating about future prospects doesn’t trouble you- The ceaseless speculations about a more fun filled and a less troubled life burst into reality with all the school stuff where the only thing you have to worry about is the homework submission the next day. Nothing less, nothing more.  Unmistakably and unquestioningly, school days are irreplaceable. 

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Art: a unique and integral part of curriculum

Most people are of the view those extracurricular activities other than sports and a few others that require active participation are a sheer waste of time. They tend to act as a distraction for your kid’s studies. People believe that they are just hobbies and ought to be considered and pursued like that. A full time career or even serious classes on it are unnecessary and unfruitful.

However, some of the top schools in India do not concede to that. An expert on child psychology asks “Why do you think a child is handed over a crayon and a drawing book in his first week at school and not text books or copies.” A child’s mind shares a close relation with colours and creativity. By honing this you are only making him grow better.

School in Noida

All forms of art have known and visible benefits on your child’s growth, says a teacher at a school in Noida. So, if your child shows natural inclination towards art, take it as a gift and encourage him in the best possible way. Here are some of the reasons why you should nurture this interest beyond a vocation.

  • The most obvious advantage is that art boosts your child’s creativity. However, what is not so obvious is that this particular trait changes one’s perspective for life. The way one handles stress, problems, analytical puzzles are all changed. Creative people are more thoughtful and take a more comprehensive approach while dealing with things.
  • It builds an out of the box approach.
  • Most top schools in India use it to familiarize children with various cultures and their traditions. It also builds tolerance for each other in them.
  • It gives them a unique way to express themselves, helping them think harder each time they draw. They learn to analyse things and bring out creative solutions out of them.

It helps them explore their imagination, which is a very helpful tool all through life. I guess all of us will be better placed, if we could use some creativity in beating our day to day challenges. 

Friday, 20 June 2014

The Importance of Discipline

A 'culture of discipline' is what adopted by large group of people whether it be in art, music, athletics, teaching or studying. Discipline is not concerned with punishing hard but to have a control on what is happening. In simple language, discipline is a systematic way of doing and handling things and is also related to self control. Discipline plays an important role in every child's life from his childhood to the time when he grows up.

boarding schools in India

 In childhood, parents take full charge on their children's activity by keeping restrictions on some of their desires. They monitor and observe them and protect them as they seek best possible ways to fulfill their desires. They make their children learn and gain knowledge about self discipline and how much it is important in our lives. When a child comes to his school life, he starts learning but still his parents keep him away from the evils like carelessness and laziness and try to make him a disciplined person. In fact, some people send their children to boarding schools India in order to make them self independent and disciplined. Children in these schools are more disciplined when compared to the children who stay with their parents at home as they are made to follow certain rules and regulations. There are many residential schools in india who adopt certain rules and regulation which results in the disciplined life of their students.

These schools don't have strict rules that are difficult to adopt, but their dedication towards following these rules is really strict which makes it a disciplined place. They themselves are disciplined enough to make their children disciplined. Whether you handle a huge organization or just your individual life, discipline has its own place to have the best results of whatever goal you have set.