In conjunction to our last post in which we accentuated all that is expected of parents (Yes. Parents this time.) from day care providers to understand and put up with, here is another post doing, well, just the same! Taking off from where we left, here you go. Have a read.
-The call is to pay the bills of calls.
True, that a child care is supposed to be at the beck and call of the child every time he needs it. But, that should not mean that all the calls, be it from the phone company, the gas company, the mortgage company are supposed to be attended and paid to by the providers.
-A disciplined approach for kids and parents alike
It’s a healthy practise to acquaint the parents on all the rules involving transportation, food to be served and other health care issues so as to avoid any tussles in future. Parents should be well aware of all the rules and should try as much to make adjustments accordingly, if any. If not, the parents always have a free mandate to walk away, and the day care providers always have the choice to not keep the child, says the principal of one of the top public schools in Noida.
-Leaving providers out of domestic spats and tussles
Every family goes through its share of domestic troubles and disagreements. But that should never mean that you drag the day care into the battle field. Remember, they have got nothing to do with whatever happens inside or outside their work. Keep them out of all the spats and rows to avoid any further complications.
-Not fretting when the child gets scratched
Most parents blow the situation out of proportion when their child gets bruised. Remember, scratched and scrapes will happen, unless you don’t want your tot to play around, says a teacher of the best Noida International school.
-The call is to pay the bills of calls.
True, that a child care is supposed to be at the beck and call of the child every time he needs it. But, that should not mean that all the calls, be it from the phone company, the gas company, the mortgage company are supposed to be attended and paid to by the providers.
-A disciplined approach for kids and parents alike
It’s a healthy practise to acquaint the parents on all the rules involving transportation, food to be served and other health care issues so as to avoid any tussles in future. Parents should be well aware of all the rules and should try as much to make adjustments accordingly, if any. If not, the parents always have a free mandate to walk away, and the day care providers always have the choice to not keep the child, says the principal of one of the top public schools in Noida.
-Leaving providers out of domestic spats and tussles
Every family goes through its share of domestic troubles and disagreements. But that should never mean that you drag the day care into the battle field. Remember, they have got nothing to do with whatever happens inside or outside their work. Keep them out of all the spats and rows to avoid any further complications.
-Not fretting when the child gets scratched
Most parents blow the situation out of proportion when their child gets bruised. Remember, scratched and scrapes will happen, unless you don’t want your tot to play around, says a teacher of the best Noida International school.