Wednesday, 25 February 2015

What Child Care Providers want you to know- PART 2

In conjunction to our last post in which we accentuated all that is expected of parents (Yes. Parents this time.) from day care providers to understand and put up with, here is another post doing, well, just the same! Taking off from where we left, here you go. Have a read.

public schools in Noida

-The call is to pay the bills of calls. 

True, that a child care is supposed to be at the beck and call of the child every time he needs it. But, that should not mean that all the calls, be it from the phone company, the gas company, the mortgage company are supposed to be attended and paid to by the providers.

-A disciplined approach for kids and parents alike

It’s a healthy practise to acquaint the parents on all the rules involving transportation, food to be served and other health care issues so as to avoid any tussles in future. Parents should be well aware of all the rules and should try as much to make adjustments accordingly, if any. If not, the parents always have a free mandate to walk away, and the day care providers always have the choice to not keep the child, says the principal of one of the top public schools in Noida.

-Leaving providers out of domestic spats and tussles

Every family goes through its share of domestic troubles and disagreements. But that should never mean that you drag the day care into the battle field. Remember, they have got nothing to do with whatever happens inside or outside their work. Keep them out of all the spats and rows to avoid any further complications.

-Not fretting when the child gets scratched

Most parents blow the situation out of proportion when their child gets bruised. Remember, scratched and scrapes will happen, unless you don’t want your tot to play around, says a teacher of the best Noida International school.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

What Child Care Providers want you to know-PART 1

Child care, contrary to popular perceptions, is a business and not merely a baby-sitting service. And as a business, there are a certain things that day care professionals would like their clients to know. Throwing in a few nuggets of some facts and info that every top day school for kids wished their clients knew. So in case you’re a parent looking for any of the best day care centre Noida and boarding schools in India just read on to know more about the challenging career of being a child care provider!

boarding school in India

-Child care is a business, not a baby-sitting service

For the third time again, child care is a business, and child care providers, professionals. Going by the norms and rules of business, it is only reasonable to expect that they will have established rules, hours and pay rates. Naturally, the authorities expect parents to appreciate that they take out all the time draft a handbook, contract and other numerous details for ease and convenience, says the manager of a top day school for kids.

-Providers have the right to charge late fees

Providers have all the right in the world to charge extra fees for every hour when parents are unable to pick up their children. Many day cares are making it a point to inform parents on this issue in advance just so if anything of the sort happens, parents don’t get the privilege of denial.

-Care providers are not housekeepers

Care providers DON’T/ are not supposed to do your child’s dishes or do up his laundary. That is not to say that day cares don’t wash your child’s soiled clothing or wipe off the mud of his shoes, but then, that can only happen up to a point. Parents need to realize that by doing so, they are only being gracious and concerned about the child’s well-being.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Send your child to boarding for all the right reasons

As a cliché goes, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, there’s no way you can chalk out a stencil parenting plan that could fit your child. No two children, not eve siblings, are same and the way they should be brought up varies with their individual traits and psyche. Some children might grow best when they are planted on unaccustomed earth early in their life while others need their parents to care, sooth and reprimand them with each step.

boarding school

So you as a parent bear the extra responsibility to determine whether a boarding school will be better for your child or not. Children who are mentally prepared for the stay away from home and are groomed in the right environment can go places with their skills. Whereas, other children who were not ready for the change may grow up to be complex adult characters who would carry a lifetime resentment against the decision made for them. Let’s first take a look at the good things that can happen to your child due to the kind of upbringing and resources he gets at a boarding, says the vice-principal at one of the best day care centre Noida.

•Discipline is one of the first things their personality will reflect to an outsider, which immediately gives them an edge over others.

•Learning to handle the nuances of life, they are very organized in whatever they pursue.
•They tend to take a more pragmatic approach towards life.

• They are better prepared for college.

• A sense of community and tolerance breeds in them which is otherwise hard for parents to teach them to such extents

• They have their own network of alumni and mates who will prove to be valuable professional contacts in the future, says a teacher at a top day school for kids.

• Boarders are also good at time management, a trait many managers and adult professionals strive to hard to master.

• Maturity and ability to take critical decisions are few other traits. However the list doesn’t end here.

But if your child is too young or too soft for the change and separation, the move can even backfire. An introvert child when forced to stay away from family might not be able to cope with the emotional trauma. They may recede away from the family or struggle to establish a