Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Types Of International Schools

With a variety of international schools across the globe there follows a dynamic curriculum in each of these designed to service the various expatriate constituencies. International schools are schools which educate the children between the ages of 2 to 18 which operate out of but with the consent of the state school system in a foreign country. The Noida International School amongst others uses the curriculum and the language of instruction which is different from that of the host country.
International schools are broadly divided into three categories which include:

-Original Expatriate
-Broadly International
-Local International and Bilingual
Original Expatriate International Schools

noida international school

This is one of the most common types of International schools which a majority of people envision. It is a school with Canadian curriculum and Canadian teachers. These schools unlike institutes like day care school in Noida are mono-nationalistic in nature and so the staff, school and curriculum all represent a single country, irrespective of its location. In the past when not many institutes would set up an educational program, this was the only known type of the international school. However with globalisation these are the smallest proportion of international schools which are available.

Being first in the origin these schools are often well-established and popular, thus pointing to the fact that these are generally hard on the pockets which in turn offer great employment packages to teachers that are in upper quartile.

Broadly International Schools

Primarily these exists in areas where resides a wide range of expatriates. Schools like Noida International School around which lives a mix of thousands of expats from around the globe offer the perfect ground for Broadly International Schools.

These schools cater to the needs of several parents and children from multiple nationalities and to assist further these schools make available the teachers with a multi-cultural background. Although following a standardized curriculum, they have room for modifications to accommodate the multi-ethnic requirements. 

Friday, 10 October 2014

Adding in pinch of creativity to the classroom-part (2)

Here’s a low down of different things that can be done to maintain lively essence in the class. At times, simple things are likely to endow magical results.

Pre-school: well, if you teach nursery or prep standard, alas! You won’t really get much help from students and will have to manage the most of things on your own. But the good part is that at the end of the day, being nursery or prep standard teacher, you will end up utilizing best of colours. In nursery and prep sections, there are countless topics to choose from varying from landscapes to animal portraits and sky to birds anything and everything can be sketched out on chart papers. Apart from this, alphabets from ‘A to Z’ and number names from 1 to 50 can be written, it’s going to encourage students and will be educative a well. Even if you are in best boarding schools in noida, things are more or less this only.

schools in noida

Middle school: middle school covers children from 10 to 14years. At this particular age, students take in keen interest in subjects like history, literature, maths, depending on individual’s preference. So posters, charts and models can be put up and the good part is that you can ask your students to lend a helping hand, be it in boarding school or a regular one.

High school: well, by this time, you won’t really have to think much and the most of the work can be handled by students. Of course, there’s no need to play much with colours, even if simple stuff is exhibited, it would be good to go with. At the end of the day, it makes more sense to have informative stuff rather for the high school students rather than restricting to decoration part only. 

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Adding in pinch of creativity to the classroom-part (1)

It's fun to have a well decorated classroom, regardless of the fact that you are teaching primary or senior sections. After all, every student loves attending class, wherein they feel motivated. In every international school in noida, it is encouraged to have classroom with lots of chart papers, colours, quotes, sayings and many other things that would motivate students. This way on one hand the class will look beautiful, whereas on the other hand, will be informative as well. After all, who will not get bored of sitting in a lifeless room? To my understanding, a class is not about only about beams and walls, indeed it’s about infusing life to bricks and walls in such a way that it looks as if the whole room has a glimpse of perfection to it. So instead of thinking much, try to utilize your creative skills and make your class look ‘perfect’. Here’s a low down of what all interesting things can be done in the class to make it look appealing and influencing for students in different classes.

international school in noida

Every standard has their pre-allotted syllabus, which familiarize students about the course and pattern for that specific year. So here comes the biggest hint, there’s a flooded range of projects, charts and quotes which can be exhibited in the classroom, says international schools in India. This would surely be a great way of exhibiting students’ creativity in the classroom. Along with this, there are several other things that can be implemented in the class, so what you need to do is Along with these ideas, you can implement many other innovative things all by yourself. If in any case, you feel that you would need help, no worries, there are countless innovative ways to choose from. Though there’s a lot to say, have saved it for the next post, but till then stay tuned!