Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Residential Schools and Related Benefits

The history of residential schools in India dates back to centuries earlier. These were called Gurukuls then and in no way were identical to the boarding schools we have today. Reserved and limited in nature Gurukuls were open to royalties and Brahmins and did not admit the other marginalized sections of the societies and women resulting in a clear case of disparity and prejudices. Until up till the last century the marginalized has no access to the educational institutes but thanks to the various educational reforms education is now a mandatory law all over the country. Having succeeded in making education an all-inclusive phenomenon, the second target and challenge was to make best boarding school in India an acceptable organization. Having achieved it many scholars point out that the road towards this has not been easy.

best boarding school

The appearance of international schools in India which majorly are residential in nature has also made easy the path of their acceptability in the country. Since residential schools have gained popularity over a period of a decade, the decision and emotions connected to this schooling choice as made by the parents is certainly not easy. However owe it to the advantages of schooling in these that have eased out this choice made by the parents and at times the students themselves:

-The residential schools in India generally have well qualified and well-versed teachers imperative for the growth of the students. Since these schools are residential in nature the teachers are approachable 24*7 in case they encounter a query or a lack of understanding in a particular concept and because the class size is kept small every student gets their due attention.

-The environment of these schools is merged into educational world where learning is a priority and is deliberately kept central to all the activities which happen in and around the campus. This unique setting also helps in developing and sharing true feeling of friendship and companionship.

-You learn to be responsible. True that living without the family is not easy but is fun if you consider your share of experiences and knowledge gained. It is a significant facet of a boarding school to be responsible and take accountability for your actions.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Being strict with a child…will it help?

Many parents entertain the mindset that being strict with child is the only way to keep him on the ‘right’ track. Well, if being strict to a child is the only parameter to make the child let go on the ‘so-called’ ideal track, things would have been different. But it’s not so, many things have to be taken into account in order to make a child move the way you as a parent would prefer your child to do.

residential schools in india

Scaring, threatening or making a child feel anxious in any way would lead to nothing much, but the child would become introvert and this is something that would be hindering for a child in the long term prospect, concedes teachers of international schools in Noida. Afterall, you won’t be there with him in every walk of life. May be things are working now, but there surely be a certain point of time when things will become excessively difficult for him to manage and regretting for you as to making him behave in this way. Remember you as a guardian should assure to have friendly relationship with the child, wherein you keep a check over his/her actions, varying from school to tuition timings and play time to sleeping schedule, believes residential schools in india.

According to professionals, do not interfere much in a child’s life. Grant him liberty to feel free, have transparency in the relationship so that things do not worsen unnecessarily. Amid everything ought not let thing so damn loose that he forgets what to be done and what should be avoided. It’s your responsibility to make him feel socially responsible and a good human being as a whole, which surely won’t be possible be either being too strict or too lenient with the child. There has to be equilibrium between ensuring a child’s happiness and making him a disciplinarian.  

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Learning Foreign Language- an essential experience

The onset of globalization in 1990s saw the world shrinking. The idea of globalization being associated with world coalescing might be rather contradictory and ironical, but the fact that globalization has made the world a smaller place to be in is undeniable. A small place makes it almost a necessity to pick on the things that are essential to survival and growth; learning new skills to make oneself unparalleled in any field is step one towards adaptation.

schools in noida

Considering the need to indulge children in foreign language courses many schools in Noida and nearby areas are making a foreign language, French and German most dominantly, as a part of their curriculum. Learning an additional language not only helps students develop a strong, diverse base in the industry but also helps one to understand and appreciate the culture and lifestyle of people of that specific country.

Learning a foreign language has many other added advantages too. Foreign languages help one prepare better for international examinations like TOEFL, JLPT, DELE etc. One can also work in an embassy as a translator or an interpreter. There are a horde of other career opportunities as well, like getting hired as a faculty in an international school. Noida International School is one of the few international schools which are celebrated for its outstanding faculty and services.

A person who is even remotely acquainted with the basics of a foreign language can start a lucrative business of home coaching. The cost per hour of a foreign language teacher is pretty respectable, too.
If statistics and studies are anything to go by, there is a remarkable increase in the cognitive development of a child who is enrolled in a foreign language program. These students portray a greater skill set and a flair for divergent thinking and creativity, too.